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LRG Boston Real Estate Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘Sudbury’

Middlesex County High Schools Rank Highly

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Sudbury HomeWhy live in towns like Weston, Wayland, or Sudbury?

Besides the fact they have some of the most beautiful real estate in the state of Massachusetts,

they also have some of the best schools around.

With the Public High School Rankings being released by Boston Magazine, Middlesex County schools including Weston, Wayland, and Lincoln-Sudbury all ranked within the top 10. With education for children being a key selling point in the home buying process, homebuyers can be confident that their children will receive a quality education in these towns. While Weston High School took the #1 spot, Wayland High and Lincoln-Sudbury followed soon after at #8 and #9 respectively. With a maximum student to teacher ratio of 13 to 1, these schools, which have notoriously been great in the past, should continue to thrive in the future.

For more information on buying a home in these areas, please contact Luxury Residential Group Buying Specialist Jeff Shuman who can be reached by phone at (978)-460-0921 or by email at Check out the rest of the rankings here:

Art, Music and Real Estate – Simon and Garfunkel

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

At Luxury Residential Group we have a deep appreciation for the arts.  As a matter of fact, in our office space on Boylston Street, we hang artwork from The Artana Gallery.  We also have a passion for timeless music.  Music that stays with us from generation to generation. Moving forward, we will be featuring music and artwork on our blog as we feel it goes hand and hand with Real Estate and your Home.

Art – Fills your home with color.  Each painting tells a story from one persons perspective .

Music – Brings sound and energy to your home.  Both of which we feel are necessary components for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Simon and Garfunkel Then

Simon and Garfunkel Then

Simon and Garfunkel Now

Simon and Garfunkel Now

The first work that we would like to share with you is a performance by Simon and Garfunkel from Madison Square Garden this past Fall(2009).  The song is called The Boxer.  Pushing their 70′s in age, Simon and Garfunkel’s music has stood the test of time. Although their voices have matured, they sound even better in this performance than they did in the 60′s and 70′s. There is something about their passion and lyrics that send chills down most peoples spines. Enjoy!!



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