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Redefining Boston Real Estate

LRG Boston Real Estate Blog

Boston luxury real estate as it happens

South End is Growing – 275 Albany St.

Luxury Residential Group

New development continues in Boston’s South End, just adjacent from the construction of Ink Block at the old site of the Boston Herald, 275 Albany Street has recently been approved to start the building process. The 1.3-acre lot at 275 Albany Street will be developed into an apartment building at 330,000 square feet. Gerding Edlen, in conjunction with Normandy Real Estate Partners, intend on building a 18-story building and a 11-story building containing up to 380 residential units. Developers have been talking about constructing a parking garage in between the two separate buildings, as well as restaurants on the ground level. The 18-story building offers residents views of the Seaport District as well as the skyline of downtown Boston. Just south of the Back Bay, 275 Albany Street is in the heart of Boston’s historic South End neighborhood.

By: Hope Obernesser

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